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橘正纪七月番PrincessPrincipal  梶浦由记配乐演绎谍战

橘正纪七月番PrincessPrincipal 梶浦由记配乐演绎谍战
2017-07-29 00:35:07   点击:

My dear Ange,
I've waited a long time for this moment. There are many
things I'd like to talk about.
But there is little time to explain my circumstances(?).
I have become a spy like you became a princess.
I'm a spy on a mission, my purpose is to grant
Mr Morgan's asylum.
Would you lend me your dress for this purpose?
I'll explain in detail later.
I have to take responsibility for your difficult years.
Sorry to spoil your dres
Your truly,



橘正纪 七月番 PrincessPrincipal 梶浦由记

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